HandPans aren’t particularly cheap, and for most people they represent a considerable financial investment. Meaning that any information you can find that helps you make the right decision for you, can only ever be a good thing. And if like the many who have fallen in love with the PANArt Hang, but are unable to obtain one, you’re searching around and checking out the alternatives, in a bid to find yourself the very next best thing. A video such as the one uploaded by ‘Kurungui’, that features the PANArt Hang and the Bali Steel Pan, being played side by side, is something that anybody considering buying a Bali as a Hang alternative should watch.
And while our own overly dramatic title ‘Bali Steel Pan V’s the PANArt Hang’, suggests some kind of bare knuckle brawl, with the two HandPans pitted against each other to the death. The truth, as anybody who watches Kurungui’s video will see, is that not only does the Bali seemingly hold its own against the Hang. The two HandPan, like reunited brethren, sing sweetly together. In a complimentary, and pleasing fashion.
So that while you’ll never get to experience all of the nuances of each Handpan simply by watching a YouTube video, It could be enough to help sway your decision. If choosing between the assorted HandPans and PANArt Hang alternatives, is an almost impossible choice for you to make.
And while our own overly dramatic title ‘Bali Steel Pan V’s the PANArt Hang’, suggests some kind of bare knuckle brawl, with the two HandPans pitted against each other to the death. The truth, as anybody who watches Kurungui’s video will see, is that not only does the Bali seemingly hold its own against the Hang. The two HandPan, like reunited brethren, sing sweetly together. In a complimentary, and pleasing fashion.
So that while you’ll never get to experience all of the nuances of each Handpan simply by watching a YouTube video, It could be enough to help sway your decision. If choosing between the assorted HandPans and PANArt Hang alternatives, is an almost impossible choice for you to make.