From Pizza Pan to HandPan, in Two Years - The Aura HandPan Evolution

Recently I posted a thread in the forums on attempting to make a HandPan from a wok, explaining that to date, we'd never seen any kind of success at this.  And then, while watching the latest (and beautiful sounding) video from Aura, I remembered that for Jon Antzoulis (the Aura maker), it actually did start off in a very similar manner.  With a 'Pizza Pan'.

Two years ago (at time of posting), Jon Antzoulis posted the following video to YouTube...

As kitchen utensil attempt videos go, this one clearly shows, that to some degree, it can be done.

A year or so later Jon Antzoulis posts his first prototype video...

And we can clearly see that things were progressing nicely.

Another six months on and we find this video...

More progress.

And then we have this...

The most recent video from Jon Antzoulis, as of April 2014, of an Aura Kurd 9.  Uploaded just two years after the pizza pan video was shared (marking the beginning of the Aura HandPan), and we're here, listening to an instrument, that to our ears; sounds incredibly beautiful.  From pizza pan, through prototypes, to a HandPan that can now boast that 'Choir of Angels' quality, that the best of these instruments are renowned for.

So that while taking a hammer to a pizza pan, may, or may not be; the best way to begin your journey as a HandPan maker (should you be considering building your own).  As the Aura maker has proven, it probably isn't the worst place in the world to begin, either....

You can follow the continuing evolution of the Aura at Facebook: HERE

Or at YouTube: HERE

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