Travel-Friendly HandPan for Sale - Smaller HandPan for Holidaying With...

I love my Pantheon Steel Halo. - It sounds AWESOME! Carrying my Halo any great distance though... not so much! So that while I’d very much like to do a Rafael Sotomayor and jet off to the Philippines with my pride and joy in tow, to play alone, like a one-man miracle of sound on an all-but deserted tropical island. The idea of dragging the beast all the way there with me, is just so off-putting, that personally, I just don’t think I’d bother.

And while the same could be said of many of the larger HandPan (Caisa, Bali Steel, etc.), there are some HandPan that are somewhat more diminutive in size, and as such, are far more lazy traveller (AKA ‘me’) friendly.
The Baby Caisa HandPan

Built by ‘Bill Brown’ of Kaisos Steel Drums, the same bloke who produces the standard Caisa HandPan, the ‘Baby Caisa’, with a 45cm (just short of 18 inches) diameter, is the Caisa’s travel-friendly little brother.

Known also as the ‘Caisa Bakpak’, this HandPan weighs in at under 3KG. And other than its more slender build, is essentially the same as its larger brethren. Available in three tunings, and two designs (at time of writing), and with nine notes per Baby Caisa, the Baby costs 1100 Euro, and according to the website, takes 10-60 days from time of ordering, for your instrument to be completed, and dispatched.
You can find more information, and/or order a Baby Caisa HandPan: HERE
The Six-Note SpaceDrum

The smallest member of the French-made HandPan family, the ‘Spacedrum’, the 6 note Spacedrum is another option for those looking for a more travel-friendly HandPan. Weighing in at about an inch larger (in diameter) than the Baby Caisa, and a tiny bit weightier, at 3.3KG, the six-note Spacedrum is priced (at time of writing) at 649 Euro. Which while considerably cheaper than the Baby Caisa, as per its name - the ‘6’ note spacedrum features only six notes, in comparison to the Baby Caisa’s standard nine. However, in terms of pros and cons, the six-note Spacedrum does feature the more standard (Hang-style) ‘GU’ type bottom. And for an extra 50-odd Euro, can be purchased with its custom-made protective bakpak.
You can find more info, and/or order a six-note Spacedrum: HERE
The Genesis Symphonette HandPan

Built by ‘Dave Beery’ of Daves Island Instruments, and the smaller brother (or sister) of the standard Genesis HandPan, the ‘Symphonette’, with its 18 inch diameter, is roughly the same size as the Baby Caisa, and the six-note Spacedrum. Making it another (and the last at time of writing) suitable candidate for a ‘mini-me’ style, travel-friendly HandPan.

Believed to be priced around the $1000 mark (at time of posting), the Symphonette, is available in a number of different tunings, and in a number of different finishes, such as in distinctive bronze, and black powder coat. And, on a personal note, is my favorite of the bunch (judging by YouTube videos), and the one that I’m currently considering purchase of for my own travels...

You can find more info, and/or purchase a Genesis Symphonette: HERE

More (I will update this section as I discover them):

* Or alternatively, if you insist on taking a larger HandPan on your travels with you, and you haven't already, you might want to look into getting yourself a protective case of some kind: HERE
© HandPans Magazine