The Spacedrum - A HandPan Made in France

(!) This post may now be out of date - but has been left published for archive purposes.  It may still prove to be of interest, but some (or all) details may now be out of date (!).

Described by some as the Hangs ‘little brother’, the ‘Spacedrum’, is a French made hand pan, built with love by its designer ‘Philippe Maignaut’, in partnership with ‘Djoliba’ (the French world music instruments specialized shop).

The Spacedrum is the first hand pan to be made available in a thirteen note chromatic model, in addition to diatonic and pentatonic 8 note models. And this blissed-out melodic percussion instrument is fast becoming a popular and respected alternative to the much sought after Hang.  And are priced at roughly $1200 for an eight-note model.

[Update from the makers]

Metal Sounds is a french company, created in October 2011, by three persons: 

- Cédric Aimé, Djoliba's music shop manager 
- Philippe Maignaut, Steeldrum maker 
- Marc Guilliou, Djoliba's associate 

Thanks to the Metal Sounds company we've been able to move in a new workshop, to invest in equipments and tools and, as a result, to improve our instruments. Since October 2012 we propose the 4th generation of Spacedrum, called "Evolution" and made out a special stainless steel alloy. 

Here is the list of our websites: (Official webshop) (Official Spacedrum's page) (Philippe Maignaut's former website)
(Facebook page)  

All the Metal Sounds' team does its best to provide high quality handpans in the shortest time frame as possible (at this date the waiting time for a Spacedrum is 6 to 8 months). 
Check the makers page for more information: HERE

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