Consisting of the Hang musicians ‘Danny Cudd’, and ‘Daniel Waples’, the ‘Hang Playing Hedge Monkeys’, formed in 2006, after meeting at a UK music festival. And with arguably the best name in Hang music, these Hedge Monkeys, are highly skilled in the ways of the Hang. And influenced by ethnic music from around the world, including Africa, and Australia, the Hang Playing Hedge Monkeys travel the world, expanding their horizons, while producing some pretty damn good Hang music as they go.
‘The hang is a very special musical instrument. It chooses it's owner and not the other way round.’, state the duo, referring at least partially, to the required pilgrimage-like journey to the Hanghaus in Switzerland, for those seeking to purchase a PANArt Hang.
You can preview and purchase the album Vesica Piscis: HERE.
Or alternatively, go visit the Hang Playing Hedge Monkeys at their website: HERE.