An event similar in nature to the UK based, ‘HangOut’, a festival of the Hang. ‘Handpangea’, is a US based gathering, bringing, like the legendary supercontinent, ‘Pangea’, all of the HanPans, from around the world, together in one place. To create the kind of event, that HandPan enthusiasts dreams are made of. Expect Hang, Halo, Bell’s, Bali Steel Pans, Perhaps a Hang SPB, or two. And perhaps a healthy dose of steel tongue drums mixed in, such as the Zen Tambour.
To be held between the 22nd - 24th, July, 2011, Handpangea, offers the perfect opportunity for fans of these beautiful instruments, to meet up, listen to, and perhaps play, the various different types of HandPan.
However, while it is stated that you don’t necessarily have to own a HandPan, to attend. The 2011 event is limited to fifty places (at time of writing). And it is possible that priority will be given to HandPan owners. Over those just curious.
Handpangea, 2011, will be held at the ‘Laughing Waters Retreat Center’, near Ashville, North Carolina, and is priced at $50 per ticket ($30 for children). The event will feature live performances by the likes of Dante Bucci, and will offer workshops teaching techniques for improving your HandPan playing, and a talk by ‘Kyle Cox, and Jim Dusin’, of Pantheon Steel, explaining exactly how a HandPan is made.
[BONUS] - Pantheon Steel will also be running a lottery at the event, to give two individuals the chance to skip the waiting lists, and purchase some very special Halo.
For more information, visit the Handpangea website: HERE.