One of our new year's resolutions here at HPM, for 2017, was to try to do more to shine a light on musicians and artists doing great things with the Handpan. Something that in recent years we have been a little slack with, as our interests led us elsewhere. And so with that in mind, with this post, we aim to draw your attentions towards the Handpan awesomeness of Korean musician, Yoon hwan kim (AKA “Yoon”).
A fitting stable-mate for fellow South-Korean Handpan-performer Sungeun Jin, though very much with his own flavour, Yoon’s latest composition and video, titled “Cloud City”, shows off both his skill on the Handpan, and also his new found love of film-making, and production...
Yoon describes his music as being “Highzent music”, which he further categorizes as being: funky, groovy, dynamic, techno, darkness, and ambient. And in addition to his love of the Handpan, he is also a skilled performer on the didgeridoo.
And if you enjoyed Yoon’s solo performance above, you might also like to take a listen to his tentatively named outfit “D Unit”, featuring Handpan alongside guitar, didgeridoo, and beat box…