Horizon Zero Dawn - Handpan Spotted

A cool little spot from Brandon Chia over at Facebook, that shows (in the picture below) what is clearly some kind of Handpan instrument featured in the 2017 released video game, Horizon Zero Dawn...

Horizon Zero Dawn is an action role-playing video game developed by Guerrilla Games and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment for the PlayStation 4. And now, (updating the original post here) thanks to YouTube user adtn64, you can check out the Horion Zero Dawn Handpan in glorious full-motion, below...

And while super-cool to see - this is not the Handpan's first foray into the world of video games.  With Handpan, or "Hang drum", having been seen in Linden Lab's "Second Life", as far back as 2011.  And having also been featured in a number of video game soundtracks, including that of the hugely popular Minecraft, and also on the soundtrack for Far Cry 4.

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