The Birth of the India-Made Handpan? - Shellopan Visit Goa

Over the last few years we’ve witnessed new Handpan makers popping up all over the globe, but to date, news of much going on in India, one of the most populated countries on the planet, has been very quiet (though that’s not to say that things haven’t been happening out there off of our radar).

Back in early 2016 We published a short post featuring the the “FabLab”, of French Handpan-makers, Shellopan.  A collaborative-kind of Handpan-building establishment designed for the sharing of knowledge, and resources, based in Strasbourg, France.  That in addition to providing the blank canvases from which Handpan are made, Handpan shells, to makers the world over - have also made moves to assist a new generation of makers down the right path on their home-front.  And with the following video we see that in addition to providing help to new tuners closer to home, Shellopan have also been sharing their knowledge and materials abroad, during a recent visit to India to attend the Handpan India Gathering 2017, held in Goa.  A visit that just might give birth to some pretty special India-born instruments making their way into the scene in future days…

‘Made with 10 hands during a maker and apprentice workshop in Goa.’ - YouTube Description

'Shellopan is a cooperative for the manufacture of metal musical instruments of the Handpan / Pantam family and located in Strasbourg (France).  Cooperative, because we are a collective, we defend the principles of self-management and believe that the sharing of information and the means of production are vectors of progress.’ - from the Shellopan website

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