GoPro Goes Handpan - Hands-Free Handpan Recording

While the GoPro brand of action cameras might be primarily focused on the sports market, showcasing downhill mountain bikers, snowboarders, and their ilk, the benefits of the GoPro’s convenient hands-free usage, and unique recording perspective, has not been lost on Handpan players also.  With an increasing number of Handpan videos recorded using the head-mounted camcorder system finding their way onto YouTube in recent times.  And particularly for travelling Handpan musicians, the GoPro’s ease of use, in terms of capturing decent quality footage on-the-fly, can lead to some truly memorable footage.  As can be found evident in the “travelling Handpan” recordings of the ZuMusic Project…

Forget trying to balance your smartphone on its arse-end in attempt to get a decent angle, or messing around with tripods and the like for those more professional, and simply strap a GoPro on, and you’re away.  And convenience aside, as mentioned above, there is something more personal about the perspective achieved utilising a camera like the GoPro.  A Handpan-view panorama.  A musical head-(or chest) mounted snapshot.  Whether recorded at home (particularly useful for the camera shy).  Or in India, Thailand, Australia, everywhere inbetween, and beyond…

Find GoPro for sale at Amazon: HERE.  Or Visit the ZuMusic Project over at YouTube: HERE for more travelling Handpan footage.

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