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Building a Hank Drum - Where to Buy a New Propane Gas Tank
One of the first questions people ask when setting out to build their own Hang drum inspired
Hank drum
, as per
Dennis Havlena’s instructions
, is “where can I buy a suitable propane gas tank?” The recommended propane gas tank for use in constructing a ‘standard’ Hank drum is a 20 pound steel propane cylinder, of the type used to fuel such devices as a barbecue/grill.
It is important that you use only a brand new / never used propane tank when attempting to build a Hank drum. Even if a used tank appears to be empty, it may still contain residue gas. And an exploding propane tank caused by a spark igniting leftover gas can be a very dangerous thing indeed.
You will also require:
Saber Saw
Pipe Wrench
Electric Drill
Vise Grip
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