The Illustrated Story of PANArt - And More

In a recent post titled ‘Dr Ellie Mannette - and the HandPan’, we touched on the fact that the history of PANArt, stretches back to long before the birth of the Hang.  And as if in response, to fill in some of the gaps - PANArt this week have offered up all manner of goodies over at their website, that tie in with our aforementioned post. Not least of which is the song, Ellie’s Response, that offers a musical account of the story that we tried to offer a brief insight into, but in the words of Felix Rohner himself, accompanied by both some of PANArt’s newer Pang instruments, and an Invader Pan, made by Ellie Mannette’s brother, Vernon Mannette, played by, David Rohner, Felix, and Sabina’s son - making it a truly generational offering, in more ways than one.

The PANArt Story

The following recent offering from over at PANArt's YouTube channel, does the near impossible, of compressing forty-years of the PANArt story, from 1976, to 2016, into a coffee-break friendly four minutes, and eight seconds.  An illustrated time-line, set to the music of what is presumably the Pangensemble.  The video traces the history of PANArt from their early involvement in the Swiss Steelpan scene, through the birth, and if not death exactly, the retirement of the Hang, onwards until the current day, and the introduction of PANArt’s next generation Pang instruments…

Panbau - Ungarn 1989

While finally, on this tour of insights into the history of PANArt, Felix Rohner shared a private video from back in 1989. That features a young Felix, working on an old barrel he found, while touring Hungary with the Swiss Steelband, The Bernese Oil Company. Offering us a rare video insight, into the pre-Pang days, of one of the Hang-makers…

Visit the official PANArt website: HERE

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