Other PANArt Hang, and HandPan Forums

If you’re looking to keep up with the latest in all things Hang, and HandPan, there’s no better way than by joining up to, or at the very least regularly reading through, some of the online forums dedicated to the subject matter.


At the time of writing, HandPan.org is pretty much your number one go to place, to find out what’s going on in the world of HandPan. With discussions covering everything from the latest HandPan news, and developments, through to building tips for D.I.Y. makers, and a ‘swap and sale’ section, where HandPan are regularly sold, or traded. While I’d like to claim the title for my own website, HandPan.org really is the 'home of HandPan' on the internet, for beginners, and accomplished players alike. Visit the Forum


Dedicated to the PANArt Hang, and the Hang alone - HangForum.com is run by those with close ties to PANArt, and for my tastes, that comes across a little too strongly. HangForum can be a good source of info on the PANArt Hang, and there’s no denying that its members are both knowledgeable, and dedicated to all things Hang. But personally, the overall vibe of the place does little for my palate (though your tastes may differ). Generally seen as one for the Hang purists only. Visit the Forum

Hang-Music.com Forum

The forum at Hang-Music.com is the forum that gave birth to HandPan.org. Problems arose over the discussion of non-Hang HandPan (reportedly, with complaints made by PANArt). And the forum was essentially closed, and moved.

The Hang-Music forum still exists though (at time of writing), and while there has been little activity there in quite some time, the Hang-Music forum is particularly interesting as an historical archive, with threads such as those discussing the coming, and birth of the Pantheon Steel Halo, and other early HandPan, being of particular interest (to me at least). Visit the Forum
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