While not usually the kind of website that indulges too heavily in “National Pride”, in this instance, and with this post - we just have to. Because for a while there, our prospects for the chance of ever owning a native UK-made pan, looked bleak.
We watched as countries like the U.S., Germany, and Italy, home-grew what we secretly considered to be more than their fair share of makers. While things in this green and pleasant land, remained quiet.
But that time has now passed.
De La Soul - sang that, 'three is the magic number', and for us, as we put-together this post, that’s true. We’ve purchased HandPan made in various different countries, from different countries, in that mad-chase to acquire almost any HandPan that you can get your hands on, that many experience at the beginning of their first foray into the world of HandPan.
But after a while, should the bug take you, you begin to give thought to the more practical elements of owning a HandPan. Issues such as shipping costs, and import taxes. And above all, the possible ease with which you might get your instrument re-tuned, should it need it.
And so it is with that in mind, that with this post, we pay tribute, to what we believe to be the first three UK based HandPan makers. And savour the prospects, that that small, but concrete number, brings…
PanStream HandPans
A video of PanStream Prototype #32. Learn more about PanStream: HERE
The OrbiPan
A video of the OrbiPan maker demoing one of his creations. Learn more about OrbiPan: HERE.
Zephyr HandPans
A Zephyr HandPan in Aeolus tuning. Learn more about the Zephyr Handpan: HERE.