Portugal’s Got Talent - Kabeção Rodrigues on HandPan

This post may now be a little belated, but regardless, it is an event that we wanted to record, as having happened.  Over the years, we’ve taken a certain fascination, in hearing for the first time, the sounds of HandPan playing on the radio, the first appearance of these instruments in a television commercial jingle, and the first time we heard one, unexpectedly, in a movie soundtrack.
And while, as we understand it, Kabeção (Carlos) Rodrigues, was not the very first HandPan performer to appear on a “Wherever’s Got Talent” type TV show - Kabeção’s participation in “Portugal’s Got Talent” (April 2015), did garner significant support, and following, within the HandPan community - with Kabeção making it all the way through to the final, and representing the HandPan scene in spectacular fashion - playing simultaneously: Sunpan, Echo Sound, and Halo (among other instruments)...

In addition to exposing the sounds of the HandPan to Portugal's masses - Kabeção Rodrigues stands among the most inspiring of HandPan performers full-stop, offering up compositions that are both technically proficient, and emotive...

You can follow Kabeção Rodrigues over at Facebook HERE to keep up with his latest activities, or find him over at YouTube HERE to listen further.

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