HandPan Presentation Stands - from 'HandPan Stuff'
The subject of one of our more popular Facebook posts (at time of writing) confirms what we already knew. HandPan people (or the majority of them at least) LOVE their HandPan. In a, ‘I’d happily give up my seat for it on a crowded bus, and stand’, kind of way. And a small handful of notes for many is no price at all to pay out for the perfect throne, upon which to stand ones beloved instrument. Which is why the ‘HandPan presentation stands’, constructed with love by ‘HandPan Stuff’, have gone down as well as they have - with the companies Facebook page racking up over one hundred 'likes' in the first twenty-four hours of announcing their wares, and continuing to grow with some speed.
From the practical, portable, excursion-friendly,‘Travel stand’, that folds-up and is a lightweight 280g. Through to the ‘Daddy’ of the range (at time of writing), the truly throne-like ‘Noble Stand’, which is a little more expensive than the ;classic’ model, but is heavier, more ornate, and with its special varnish coating, it really looks the part.
HandPan Stuff HandPan stands sell for thirty-five Euro upwards (plus shipping), and are available for sale from the groups Facebook page (where they also promise more goodies yet to be revealed): HERE